Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Community Forum: African American Women, Addiction,Incarceration and it affects on Family - Sept 6 in DC.


Jobs Not Jails Coalition
Community Forum
September 6, 6:30-8:30pm
Benning Rd. Library 3935 Benning Rd. NE
On September 6, 2012 the Jobs Not Jails Coalition will be holding another educational community forum titled: African American Women, addiction, incarceration and its effects on the family
Come hear and share stories of how addiction relates to the epidemic of mass incarceration, how it has been destroying families and communities, and how we can confront and overcome these issues.
For More Information: Jobsnotjails@gmail.com
Yango Sawyer: 202-270-1098 or Eugene: 202-265-1948

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