Tuesday, October 4, 2011

5th Annual African Day Parade, Sunday, October 9, In Harlem USA

5th Annual Harlem African Day Parade, Sunday, October 9, 2011, from 11:00AM til 4:00PM - from Malcolm X and 135th to 122nd Street and over to Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. There will be a street festival at the ACP State Office Building, with live entertainment on stage. Additionally, on Thursday, October 6, there will be a fundraiser at the State Office Building, Windows Over Harlem, starting at 5:30 til 8:30; food, entertainment; private auction; souvenir and gift items etc for sale.

A consortium of Africans in America, primarily from the New York City area ( with participation from New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and DC Areas, as well) have come together to present a parade of pride in their heritage and their continent.

This is the fifth such parade, and the only parade of its kind, by Africans for Africans and people of African descent, including those of us in the 6th Diasporic African region of the US and the Caribbean.

The brainchild and inspiration of Mr. Momadou Kone, of the Ivory Coast, who brought Africans from all over the continent together six years ago, in 2005, to form the parade, it had been held each year until 2010, primarily financed out of Mr. Kone's personal funds, with assistance from those who likewise believed in the need for a parade of pride.

However, 2010 posed grim problems since Mr. Kone, who had been downsized out of his position, and his compatriots, who were facing a similar belt tightening situation, did not have the financial wherewithal to pull it off.

Not wanting to let too much time elapse before holding another parade, Kone contacted those who had been involved in the previous endeavors, bringing together new recruits, and is working to make this the start of something truly big.

With countries such as Ghana, Camaroun, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, South Africa, Rwanda, Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, the USA, and many others involved in the planning of this year's festivities, it has the making of a spectacular event.

A portion of the proceeds from the parade will go to establish an African Learning Center in Harlem; the first one ever developed by Africans themselves. Additionally, a portion of the funds will go toward scholarships, and the famine in East Africa. This annual event reaches out to all the countries on the Continent of Africa to show pride, unity, and combat the ever increasing negative images portrayed in the media about Africa and people of African heritage.

"It gives us an opportunity to work together in a positive effort to bring about something great of which we all can be proud, and at the same time teach our people, our children and each other about the great legacy and future Africa has for us all." (GDW)

This also marks the celebration of Nigeria's independence from British rule. There will be a lot of cross-pollination of ceremonies with parades, parties, and libations throughout the entire week.

Individuals interested in either participating in the parade or contributing to the parade can contact Ms. Adesuwa Enabulele at
(347) 813-3761, or emailing her at apenabulele@gmail.com; you can also contact Bill Perkin's office at (212) 222-7315 - speak with Ms. Cordell Cleare.

So come out and join the Parade and wear something Afri-Centric

Gloria Dulan-Wilson

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