March Against Injustice!
Protest Police Murders of Black Youth!
Stop the Racist Mass Arrest and Incarceration of Our Youth!
Demand Jobs for New Orleans Residents!
Local Control of Public schools!
Join us in protesting the increasing attacks on the Black community. In every aspect from the lack of living wage jobs; poor public education; lack of health care; inadequate recreational programs; police harassment, terror and murder; and lack of affordable housing; the Black community of New Orleans is under an all around attack. We must organize and unite to turn back this racist assault led by the Landrieu administration and the 1%- the rich white capitalist ruling class.
We must alert the world and the tourists, who these local rich invite to partake of New Orleans' Black culture, that the New Orleans Black community is cruelly oppressed and suffering. We ask big conventions and tourists not to come to our city until the local ruling class begins to address the issues crushing the life out of the Black community.
All who are democratically minded and outraged by this racist assault should join us!
Saturday, March 31
12 Noon
City Hall
Sponsored by the United New Orleans Front
Stand up for your rights and the future of your children!
In Unity and Struggle,
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