Monday, May 28, 2012

On May 29, Philly Speak-out for Marissa Alexander!

Standing Our Ground: A Speak out for Marissa Alexander!

Posted by:  Iresha Picot -

Tuesday, May 29, 6:00 PM, 52nd and Market Sts., Philly

We will be holding a solidarity speak out for *Marissa Alexander in Philadelphia on May 29th, 6pm, at 52nd and Market. Speakers will be making the connections between Marissa's case, the stand your grounds law, and violence in our communities. In addition, we will be engaging the community about these issues, having them "speak out" and handing out information that will get people involved in demanding justice for Marissa Alexander.

Come stand in solidarity with the community in speaking out on the injustices for Sista Marissa! If you would like to speak at this event or help to organize, please contact Iresha at or Jamila at

*Marissa Alexander was sentenced to 20 years in prison for standing her ground. Her husband beat her while she was pregnant and after yet another beating, Alexander fired a warning shot traveling through a wall into a ceiling, which neither killed nor hurt anyone. Nevertheless, she was charged and convicted with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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