Contact: Rev. Edward Pinkney, 269-925-0001
Yesterday WSJM-AM in Benton Harbor reported that the PGA's Jeff Hintz is creating a "route" for people marching in next week's Occupy the PGA.
The report states that "safety" is the motivation for this route.
Occupy the PGA knows that Hintz, the PGA, Harbor Shores, and Whirlpool are not concerned with safety, nor the people of Benton Harbor.
Rev Edward Pinkney have had no contact Jeff Hintz , will not until ,he come to the table and provide the demands we want.......
Mercedes Benz just received a demand package. We are expecting a reply next week...........
Months ago, Occupy the PGA activists planned a marching route which they discussed with the Benton Harbor police dept. They will adhere to the pre-planned route. The march will take place on public streets and sidewalks, and in Jean Klock Park (public).
A must-read to fully understand the gravity of the Benton Harbor situation:
Outline of a Travesty -
Occupy The PGA - Finalized Plans
Death March everyday: May 23-27 (big day: Sat. May 26)
Death March everyday: May 23-27 (big day: Sat. May 26)
We encourage protesters to wear all black if possible, everyday.
Arrive between 10 - 10:30am, Benton Harbor City Hall, 200 E. Wall St.
Sat. & Sun: Bring Kites if possible.
Demonstrate in protest of land stolen by Whirlpool Corporation.
Arrive between 10 - 10:30am, Benton Harbor City Hall, 200 E. Wall St.
Sat. & Sun: Bring Kites if possible.
Demonstrate in protest of land stolen by Whirlpool Corporation.
http://OccupyThePGA.wordpress. com Twitter HashTag #OccupyThePGA Facebook Event Page
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