Thursday, December 27, 2012


The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5


Fernando González

Dear friends:
Another year of intense effort of solidarity with the struggle for our freedom is coming to a close. Countless have been the actions, demonstrations and palpable results of the work by all of you in different parts of the world.
The vigor of your solidarity is evident. If a few years ago our situation was almost unknown, today, thanks to you all, to your tireless work and initiatives, the information about the case of the Cuban Five has reached almost all corners of the universe, in politics and society.

There is still much to do, although not for lack of your efforts, but rather, because of the stubborn opposition and obstacles by powerful forces who conspire to maintain our reality in absolute silence.

Nevertheless, we have confidence in your humane quality, in your wisdom and commitment as activists, and in your inexhaustible spirit of solidarity. We know we can count on you and that you will accompany us until together we reach our goal: Freedom and the return to our homeland and our families.

May our most profound gratitude reach each one of you in the city or town of the universe, from where you extend your solidarity.
Many thanks for your support, much success in 2013, and best wishes for the new year.

Fernando González Llort

Antonio Guerrero

Dear friends:

2012 is coming to an end. As I meditated on how to express to you our eternal appreciation for all your support; and our deep admiration for your dedication to the most noble and just causes in the world, these verses came to my heart which I dedicate to you all on behalf of the Cuban Five.
"Para la libertad
sangro, lucho, pervivo"
Miguel Hernandez
Para la libertad
pervivo, sangro y lucho.
Para la libertad
el corazon desnudo.
Para la libertad
con poco tengo mucho.
Para la libertad
todo lo mio es tuyo.
Para la libertad
fijo el sol en un punto
y en mis pupilas vierto
toda la luz del mundo.
Para la libertad
los pechos como muros,
las manos como alas,
las bocas como punos.
Para la libertad
la esencia del crepusculo,
la cohesion del sueno,
la historia del futuro.
Para la libertad,
del presagio confuso
un verso, que despierta
con un grito nocturno.
Para la libertad,
en un tunel oscuro
saber reconocer
y defender lo justo.
Con jubilo, dignidad y libertad, decimos junto a todo nuestro pueblo y los
amigos del mundo:
!Viva la Revolucion en su 54 aniversario!
!Feliz 2013!
Cinco abrazos fuertes.
Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez
20 de diciembre de 2012
Prision Federal de Marianna.

Ramón Labañino

This year 2012 is reaching an end and we want to use this special opportunity to express how proud, grateful we are for counting on your support, love and brotherhood.

Thanks to your presence, we never feel alone, we are strong and optimistic, you give us the reasons to believe in justice and freedom. You give us the certainty that one day we will get together to celebrate this victory, and together we will go on fighting for just causes all over the world!!

Thanks so much for your solidarity and love!

On behalf of the Cuban Five, our five families, and the Cuban people:
Merry Christmas!
Best wishes in the New Year!
Happiest 2013!!!!
Love and peace!

Dec. 12th, 2012.
FCI Jesup, Georgia. 8:21 a.m.

Saturday January 5, 2013 @
6pm (Reception) 7pm (Cultural program and dance party)

Venue to be announced...

Dos Alas 2013
A cultural/political evening of celebration and solidarity presented by The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign and Casa de las Americas! Dedicated to the FREEDOM OF THE CUBAN 5 AND THE PUERTO RICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS! 

Join us as we celebrate the 54th anniversary of the Cuban revolution anniversary and the 70th Birthday of Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera!

Special Guest Speaker:
A representative of the Cuban Mission to the United Nations

Music by DJ Carlito and DJ Che

The BEST in all kinds of Latin Music, Hip Hop & more!

Boleros by
Abram Alberto

Poetry by
Bobby Gonzalez
Rafael Landron and

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