Friday, December 20, 2013

This holiday give a young adult the recipe to become a millionaire - The Student Millionaire

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 - Author Rich Patenaude simultaneously launches "The Student Millionaire" and website

“This Christmas season, give the gift that lasts a lifetime,” says Rich Patenaude. “Give a young adult you know the recipe to become a millionaire.
If a young adult today wants to become a millionaire but doesn’t know where to begin, The Student Millionaire is the place to start,” says Patenaude. “The recipe for becoming a millionaire from scratch is the same for everyone,” says Patenaude. “The path may be different, but the principles are the same.”
“Our motto is 'Every Young Adult a Millionaire',” says Patenaude. “We just need to show our young people the way.”
“Whether it’s Madam C.J. Walker or Oprah, the principles for achieving wealth and success are the same,” says Patenaude. “These principles are not rocket science. Some of them have been around for a very long time. They are just not taught in our schools.” says Patenaude. “The school system does its best to prepare us for jobs and careers in the marketplace. But schools do not teach us that expecting to be a Millionaire is as normal as expecting to graduate from High School,” says Patenaude
The Student Millionaire is a guide for young adults to find their path to their first million dollars. Rich Patenaude teaches young adults how these principles work together to bring about a million-dollar goal. Patenaude’s wealth blog for young adults along with the book appear on The Student Millionaire website at or get your copy on Amazon:Student Millionaire : How to make serious cash and leave university or college debt free and RICH!

Mr. Patenaude is available for interviews and appearances and can be reached at 240-731-5900.

About Rich Patenaude
Rich Patenaude started his career as a New Hampshire State Legislator at the age of 24. During his second term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Mr. Patenaude joined The Carter Presidential Campaign. After a successful campaign tour of 13 Congressional Districts in seven states, Mr. Patenaude was appointed to the Department of State in the Carter Administration. Following his tenure as Co-Publisher of American Politics Magazine, Mr. Patenaude joined the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and subsequently the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) upon successful completion of his MBA. In 2012, Mr. Patenaude retired from the World Bank in Washington. D.C.

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