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March 2 2014
Thanks once again to all who attended the Look How Far We've Come...? launch and those who sent in their cancellations in time, for those that didn't - please do try next time, as you did deprive others that could have attended.
Have a blessed week.
Here's the low down:
1. A CHANCE TO WIN 1 OF 4 RELAXATION, HEALTH & PAMPER DAY @ HARROW CIVIC MAY 8 TICKETSLadies, if you fancy a chance of winning a freebie for the Pamper Day taking place on Saturday March 8, 12noon-6pm @ Harrow Civic Centre 1, Station Road, Harrow HA1 2XY, then click to answer: what was the title of Harrow's African History Season 2013?. Closing date Wednesday March 5 2014 2pm. Winners will be notified by email. Come to this International Women's Day event - there will be stalls (few still available) with products on health and wellbeing, a therapy room, with a range of holistic therapies and free health checks and informative presentations throughout the day. Tickets: £8, £6.50 (concessions, students, unwaged), £28 for group of 4 adults, pensioners and under-16s free: 07949 622 661, 07504 278 225,
2. HISTORY RESOURCES At the last Xtra History & Reasoning Session, the issue of resources cropped up. What one needs to remember is that there's an ssue of priority, time and money. Anyway, copied below are links to some of our resources, and that of Sean Creighton's.
Remember there are two in a row Xtra Sessions - March 3 and 10 (see below) - hopefully we'll see you at the Mayor's Parlour soon:
Kind regards
Xtra History & Reasoning Sessions - Family-friendly, semi-monthly Monday evenings until May 2014, 6.30-8.30pm @ Mayor's Parlour, Harrow Civic Centre 1, HA1 2XY. March 3, 10, April 14, 28, May 12, 26:
This is from Sean Creighton's hand out given @ Look How Far We've Come...? launch
AFRICAN BRITISH BLACK HISTORY There dozens of individuals, some attached to academic institutions, and others who are activists and independent historians who continue to reveal and share the hidden stories of the presence of people of African and Asian heritage in Britain. They include: Stephen Bourne, Jeffrey Green, Marika Sherwood, Patrick Vernon, Mykael Riley, Kwaku, Hakim Adi, Caz Bressey, Martin Hoyles, Jak Beula, Kathy Chater, Arthur Torrington and Martin Spafford, to mention just a few. The hidden history is becoming more and more visible as it begins to be reflected in the mainstream history writing. The remembrance of the First World War has unleashed a lot of work on the role of African, Asian and West Indian service personnel, and will have a high profile between August this year and 2018. There are a growing number of articles, pamphlets and books. However, progress is limited by the problems of advertising of pamphlets and books and generating sales, and stimulating people to buy books or order them through their library.
3. Partners Sought For Look How Far We've Come: Getting Racism Back On The Agenda? Conference In The RegionsWe've got the "towards solutions" Conference on racism sorted out for London (see below). However, we would like our non-London colleagues in the regions to also have an opportunity to engage with the issues. We can only do so, if we can get some local partners to come on board. If you're interested, email Awula Serwah, Conference co-ordinator,
Look How Far We've Come: Getting Racism Back On The Agenda? Conference May 8 2014, 6-9pmFollowing on from the launch, the Look How Far We’ve Come…? conference on racism is set for Thursday May 8 2014, 6-9pm at The Abbey Centre in Westminster, London SW1 - ticket details of this paid-for event will be announced soon via You can submit your epression of interest now.
Our first UNIA @ 100 event kicks off this Monday - how many have heard of Naa Korkoi Kofi, once UNIA's top recruiter and charismatic speaker? Her controversial life story and engagement with the UNIA will be told at the Harrow Mayor's Parlour, 6.30-8.30pm: Xtra History & Reasoning Sessions @ Harrow Monday March 3 & 10 2014, 6.30-8.30pmHarrow Mayor Cllr Nana Asante and author/story-teller Naa Korkoi Abotchi mark International Women’s Month, UNIA @ 100 centenary and Ghanaian “independence” with their Xtra Session presentations:Session 6 March 3, 6.30-8.30pm Laura Adorkor Kofi: Once A UNIA Woman ActivistThis event kicks off the first of many events in Harrow that will commemorate the centenary of the formation of Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Harrow Mayor Cllr Nana Asante marks International Women's Month by highlighting a little known former UNIA activist and Garvey supporter, who’s alleged to be a princess from Gold Coast (present day Ghana).Session 6a March 10, 6.30-8.30pm Ghanaian & African Traditions And Their Relevance In Modern SocietyAs part of marking Ghana's 'independence', Naa Korkoi Abotchi, the storyteller and author of 'The Adventures Of Nzumah' series of children's books, will break down some of the Ghanaian and African traditions, and show their relevance to life in modern societies. Particularly make an effort to bring the young ones!For more information or to book:
That's all for now.
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Xtra History & Reasoning Sessions are free, family-friendly, semi-monthly Monday presentations and discussions on global African history and societal issues at Mayor's Parlour/Harrow Civic Centre 1, Station Road, Harrow HA1 2XY - see & book confirmed Sessions:Session 6 March 3, 6.30-8.30pm Laura Adorkor Kofi: Once A UNIA Woman Activist (Nana Asante).Session 6a March 10, 6.30-8.30pm Ghanaian & African Traditions And Their Relevance In Modern Society (Naa Korkoi Abotchi). Session 7 April 14, 6.30-8.30pm That's Our History In Them London Streets (Tony Warner).Session 8 April 28, 6.30-8.30pm The London Years: The Impact Of The City On African And African Caribbean Political Thinkers (Brother Omowale). Session 9 May 12, 6.30-8.30pm African British Civil Rights: The Remixed Documentaries (Kwaku).Session 10 May 26, 6.30-8.30pm Exploring London's Black Music History (tbc). For more information and to book for any of the events:
TAOBQ’s araning concept for identifying people of African heritage and a top 10 araned list was unveiled at Xtra History & Reasoning Sessions 2: click to read.
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Look How Far We've Come: Getting Racism Back On The Agenda? ConferenceThursday May 8, 6-9pm, The Abbey Centre, Westminster SW1 Futher details to be released soon-ish. In the meantime, you can express your interest now: Partners also sought to replicate Conference outside London: *Look How Far We've Come...? contributors include: Addai Sebbo, Ansel Wong, Baroness Ros Howells, Bernard Wiltshire, Brother Omowale, Clarence Thompson, Clement McLarty, Cllr Lincoln Beswick, Cllr Lurline Champanie, Cllr Nana Asante, Darcus & Leila Howe, David Lammy MP, Dawn Butler, Diane Abbott MP, Donald Hinds, Dr Morgan Dalphinis, Dr Richard Stone, Eric & Jessica Huntley, Eulette Roberts, Fabian & Mavis Best, Guy Bailey, Henry Bonsu, Keith Vaz MP, Ken Livingstone, Kingsley Abrams, Lee Jasper, Leroy Logan, Linda Bellos, Lord Anthony Lester, Lord Bill Morris, Lord Herman Ouseley, Lord John Taylor, Marc Wadsworth, Michael Mansfield QC, Narendra Makanji, Norman Mullings, Paul Reid, Paul Stephenson, Phil Sealey, Prof Gus John, Prof Harry Goulbourne, Prof Paul Gilroy, Russell Profitt, Sam King, Suresh Kamath, Tony Benn, Toyin Agbetu, Waveney Bushell, Wilf Sullivan, Yvonne Brewster, and Zita Holbourne.
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