Saturday, January 15, 2022

Conservatives, If You Are Going to Talk to the Black Community, You Need to Have Something Truly Conservative to Say

To my conservative leaders, I am curious to get your thoughts about my latest column.  I am also interested in hearing from you about two or three SPECIFIC things you are willing to do to work with me to address the issues I address in this column.  We must take our country back!!!!!!!!!


P.S.  If you have not, please consider making a contribution to the Heritage Foundation, the preeminent conservative think tank in the U.S.






Raynard Jackson is a Pulitzer Prize nominated columnist  and President & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC, an internationally recognized political consulting, government affairs, and PR firm based in Washington, DC.  Jackson is an internationally recognized radio talk show host and TV commentator.  He has coined the phrase "straticist."  As a straticist, he has merged strategic planning with public relations.  Call RJA to discuss how they can get you to the next level of your career or business.


Founder and Chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party.  We focus on the Black entrepreneurs.





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