Saturday, December 3, 2022

Join the Prayer Warriors Sista Circle for a 30-day daily challenge for inspiration, meditation, and prayer.

Umoja (Unity) in our Relationships
The Prayer Warriors Sista Circle challenge for December will focus on learning new ways to nurture, listen, and affirm the important relationships in our lives.
The holiday season is here and in keeping with the first principle of Kwanzaa UNITY, we can take this time to consider action steps that lead to better communication in all our relationships. The principle of Umoja encourages us to strive for and to maintain love, peace, harmony, and balance…Unity in the family, community, nation, and race. 
Some ways of practicing Umoja is to focus on working together rather than against each other in our relationships. That includes interactions with intimate partners, family members, the people you work with and your neighbors. When we look for commonalities rather than differences, we open the door for peaceful resolution in times of conflict. When we view from a perspective other than our own, we inform our thinking in ways that we could not have imagined. Small changes in our thinking allows us to see, hear and understand another's viewpoint.
Given the turbulence in the world today (which impacts us all on some level), it really is a time to create safe places - a refuge - to talk, be understood, to listen and be encouraged. That safe place can be in a home, a workplace, a support circle, and in healthy relationships we create for ourselves. 
Join our 15 min prayer call each morning this month to breathe, pray, hear a motivational meditation, and create "I AM" statements that encourage us to seek Umoja in all our relationships.
Peace, Love and Blessings this Holiday Season!

Blessings & Love!
Samimah Aziz

Join the Prayer Warriors Sista Circle for a 30-day daily challenge for inspiration, meditation, and prayer.

We meet by phone M-F @ 6:45 am and Sat & Sun @ 8 AM est for 15 minutes.

Call in 701 802-5441 pin 871880

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