Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Personal Boundaries… Personal Peace!

Personal Boundaries...Personal Peace!

Our Prayer Circle challenge this month will focus on action steps you can take to create and maintain boundaries in your personal relationships.

Boundaries are commonly understood as a line, a wall, or an electronic fence used to mark the limits of an area. Personal Boundaries then are the limits or rules we set in our relationships… all relationships!

Boundaries define what is acceptable and what is not in your interactions with others. We create boundaries based on personal values and the need for productivity and peace our lives.
When thinking of personal boundaries, consider situations – people – behaviors – conversations, and places that we really need to set limits around to preserve our comfort, sanity, and stress levels.

Creating and maintaining personal boundaries can be challenging for some. It requires that we unlearn patterns and behaviors that were set early in our families and shaped by our life experiences.

Change challenges us and promises beautiful results! Change requires patience, perseverance, and prayer. You are able and you can do this!

Join the Prayer Warriors Sista Circle each morning for 15 minutes where we breathe, pray, model, and discuss healthy boundaries.

Blessings & Love!
Samimah Aziz

Join the Prayer Warriors Sista Circle for a 30-day daily challenge for inspiration, meditation, and prayer.

We meet by phone M-F @ 6:45 am and Sat & Sun @ 8 AM est for 15 minutes.

Call in 701 802-5441 pin 871880

Copyright © 2022  I AM - Prayer Warriors Sista Circle, All rights reserved.
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