Sunday, June 17, 2012

Watch Cointelpro 101 on LINK TV, Free Speech TV and events in the UK

Check the weblink above for broadcast times of Cointelpro 101 on the LINK TV satellite channels
DIRECTV Channel 375 | DISH Network Channel 9410

June 16th until June 21st.

Upcoming broadcasts are also being scheduled on Free Speech TV. Exact times will be announced.
Also check our website for information about events in the UK next week.

Tues, 19 June - 6:30 pm British Film Institute, Blue Room
Thurs, 21 June at 8 pm Stratford Picture House
Fri, 22 June - 6:30 pm Manchester Methodist Church Central Hall
Sat, 23 June - Leeds - 3:45 pm Hyde Park Picture House

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

In Unity and Struggle,


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