Friday, September 30, 2022

Getting Our Emotional Integrity Together in October.

Emotional Integrity - Being True To You!
The Prayer Warriors Sista Circle challenge for October will focus on paths to Emotional Integrity, speaking our truth to ourselves and others. 

When we are honest with ourselves about our thoughts and feelings AND have the ability to speak, share and interact with others in that honesty - we are exhibiting emotional integrity.

When we know what we feel and why we are "armored" and can take the next steps to communicate our truth to others.

Yes, exposing mistakes or weaknesses can be a painful process. Acting happy when you're not is exhausting. Smiling when you want to cry is depleting.

But guess what??

Those awkward, painful feelings dissipate when they are acknowledged and discussed.

Mindfulness and self-love are tools we can use to not only anchor ourselves personally but are tools to guard, protect and encourage healthy interactions with others. When we are mindful we are connected and attuned to our deep feelings, desires, wants, and needs. When we are practicing self-love, we honor and respect our feelings, desires, wants, and needs. Mindfulness and Self-love... a sure path to Emotional Integrity!

Join our 15 min prayer call each morning this month to breathe, pray, hear a motivational meditation, and create "I AM" statements that remind us to speak our truth!

Blessings & Love!
Samimah Aziz

Join the Prayer Warriors Sista Circle for a 30-day daily challenge for inspiration, meditation, and prayer.

We meet by phone M-F @ 6:45 am and Sat & Sun @ 8 AM est for 15 minutes.

Call in 701 802-5441 pin 871880

Order Now!
Copyright © 2022  I AM - Prayer Warriors Sista Circle, All rights reserved.

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